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Capstone Project

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My group and I worked to develop our Capstone Product - 'Pro-Bone-O's'.  These are a probiotic-infused chewing bone designed to help reduce incidence of gastrointestinal issues in dogs.  Our allergen-sensitive formula is designed with consumers' concerns in mind.
By conducting an extensive Voice of Customer (VOC) campaign, we were able to understand exactly what dog owners want and need from a probiotic treat.  Overall, we spoke with over 100 concerned pet parents and vets that gave us useful insight to develop a Business Model Canvas and assess the feasibility of our business idea.

Individual Work

Canine Probiotics for GI Health

My literature review on canine probiotics explores how the area is growing, what work still needs to be done, and how the susceptibility of the pet supplies market to new canine probiotic products.

Alternatives to Methanol Induction

My presentation centered around describing novel approaches to using Pichia pastoris for upstream production.  Typically, methanol is used to induce P. pastoris production.  Unfortunately methanol use has many disadvantages, so I was interested in learning about methods to use P. pastoris without methanol induction.

Literature Review: Emerging CBD Therapies

My literature explored current research on the use of cannabidiol to treat neurological disorders or accompanying co-morbidities.
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